Річний звіт Комітету Виборців України за 2014 рік
У 2014 році всеукраїнська громадська організація «Комітет виборців України» (ВГО КВУ) продовжила реалізацію Стратегічного плану. У період нестабільності під час «Революції гідності» в 2014 році, політичної кризи і трьох позачергових виборів - президентських, місцевих і парламентських, КВУ впорався зі своїм завданням. КВУ працював на повну потужність, щоб виконати свою місію - створювати умови для забезпечення реалізації прав громадян та реального народовладдя
Advocacy campaign on adopting of the new law on local elections, promoting public order at polling stations, monitoring of electoral process during local elections on October 25, 2015, implemented with support of the Netherlands government
The project aims to protect the voters' rights at local elections: the right to vote and to be elected, the right to democratic elections, the right to life and health (ensuring public order during elections). Implementation period: June 15 – December 15, 2015.
The project aims to protect the voters' rights at local elections: the right to vote and to be elected, the right to democratic elections, the right to life and health (ensuring public order during elections). Implementation period: June 15 – December 15, 2015.
«Розбудова спроможності громадських організацій для здійснення моніторингу процесів перевірки та люстрації та інформаційно-просвітницька кампанія з питань перевірки та люстрації державних службовців та суддів»
Проект «Розбудова спроможності громадських організацій для здійснення моніторингу процесів перевірки та люстрації та інформаційно-просвітницька кампанія з питань перевірки та люстрації державних службовців та суддів» реалізовується Всеукраїнською громадською організацією «Комітет виборців України» за фінансування USAID в рамках Проекту «Справедливе правосуддя»
Project promoting conscious choice and vote-buying counteraction, implemented with support of Robert Bosch Stiftung and the Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation of the German Marshall Fund (BST)
The CVU program provides for development of educational and awareness rising materials on prevention of vote-buying and promotion of citizens’ conscious choice, dissemination of the materials, conduction of public events, support of phone “hot line” of legal consultations, development of analytical materials. As a consequence of the project, in October 2014 amendments to Criminal Code of Ukraine, developed with participation of CVU expert in cooperation with MIA , were introduced concerning liability for vote-buying. The program has been implemented in framework of separate projects since 2012.
The CVU program provides for development of educational and awareness rising materials on prevention of vote-buying and promotion of citizens’ conscious choice, dissemination of the materials, conduction of public events, support of phone “hot line” of legal consultations, development of analytical materials. As a consequence of the project, in October 2014 amendments to Criminal Code of Ukraine, developed with participation of CVU expert in cooperation with MIA , were introduced concerning liability for vote-buying. The program has been implemented in framework of separate projects since 2012.
Project “Campaign I AM AN OBSERVER!”, implemented with support of UNDP
In the course of the project, a section “I AM AN OBSERVER!” was developed on a web-site “Elections in Ukraine”; webinar held for observers; booklets developed and disseminated on algorithm of temporary change of voting place and update of voters list and home voting, as well as handbooks for observers; long-term observation reports developed; informational campaign covered 10 mln. of citizens. Implementation period: April 10 –June 30, 2014.
In the course of the project, a section “I AM AN OBSERVER!” was developed on a web-site “Elections in Ukraine”; webinar held for observers; booklets developed and disseminated on algorithm of temporary change of voting place and update of voters list and home voting, as well as handbooks for observers; long-term observation reports developed; informational campaign covered 10 mln. of citizens. Implementation period: April 10 –June 30, 2014.
Project promoting election security, implemented with support of Netherlands Embassy and International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES)
Program of cooperation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine includes development of educational materials, training of qualified trainers and conduction of training sessions on the eve of elections for police officers who are on duty during elections for provision of public order at polling stations, security of election documentation etc. The training sessions explain the role of the police in the election process, ways to counteract election violations and specific features of election legislation.
Program of cooperation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine includes development of educational materials, training of qualified trainers and conduction of training sessions on the eve of elections for police officers who are on duty during elections for provision of public order at polling stations, security of election documentation etc. The training sessions explain the role of the police in the election process, ways to counteract election violations and specific features of election legislation.
Project in framework of “Setting up a civil society platform for the development of democracy and voter’s rights in the Eastern Partnership countries”, implemented with support of EPDE, co-ordinating partner - Promo-Lex
The aim of the project is development of a Concept of local elections system reform in Ukraine and promotion of local elections system positive changes. In framework of the project, international experts were involved in a conference on local elections legislation, an expert poll was held, the concept was presented at round table with relevant parliamentary committee.
The aim of the project is development of a Concept of local elections system reform in Ukraine and promotion of local elections system positive changes. In framework of the project, international experts were involved in a conference on local elections legislation, an expert poll was held, the concept was presented at round table with relevant parliamentary committee.
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