1. 1.      During May there were some changes in composition of the TECs, which will provide preparation to holding early local elections; however in general TEC's composition wasn't changed significantly.  Most TECs work normally. The CVU has recorded no such problems as lack of quorum at commission meetings, non-admission of official observers and other persons entitled to attend TEC meetings without permission and invitation.

2.      As early and midterm local elections will be organized and conducted by the same PECs,  which were established for the preparation and conduct of elections of the President of Ukraine, the problems in work of PECs for local elections are generally similar to those that arose during preparation for presidential elections. These problems are the following: frequent changes in PEC membership, low professional level of PEC members, delays in obtaining the preliminary voter lists from the State Voter Register and the late conduct of the first meetings, possibile sabotage the PECs work in the last days before Election Day and on E-Day by commission members representing candidates in President who declared that they withdrew from elections.
3.      The important problem for TECs' and PECs' work in local elections is the absence or the lack of financial, material and technical support. Holding local elections in a difficult economic situation in the state and delays in transferring the budget costs to relevant commissions complicate the work of election commissions and negatively affect preparations for the elections in general.
4.      The CEC completed the formation of regulatory and legal base for local elections. The main explanations of the new Law On Local Elections, other resolutions necessary to implement the Law were adopted in May. As a whole, the CEC activities aimed at preparation for local elections corresponded  with the electoral legislation requirements.
5.      However, PEC members did not have enough time to study the procedures of simultaneous organisation of voting and vote tabulation at the presidential and local elections. There is a high probability that on May 25 Election Day counting and transporting of election documents will be made with violations of the legal requirements for on presidential and local elections.
6.      The quality of voters lists in local elections is generally high. Inaccuracies in lists, multiple inclusions of the same people into the voters lists and non-inclusion  of people who have the right to vote in local elections to voters lists are mainly limited to individual cases.
7.      At the local elections candidates generally have equal opportunities for campaigning. Intensity of campaigning depends on the type of local elections. In small towns campaign activities of local political organizations and candidates are nearly invisible. However, in big cities (Odesa, Kyiv, Mykolaiv, Odesa, Kherson, Sumy, etc.) candidates hold rather active agitation campaign.
8.      Unlike the presidential elections, at the local elections “black PR” and administrative resources are used more actively. However, the main problem of the local elections is direct and indirect vote buying, which can affect the results. Damage of outdoor political advertising of political opponents is also widespread.